Benefits of Apple

Five Benefits of Apple:

An apple a day, keeps doctor away!

We have heard this cliche a number of times

Here are the health benefits that make apples so special

Decrease risk of diabetes & reduce cholesterol

Apple has soluble fibers which help in reducing the swings in the level of sugar. This in turn helps in reducing the risk of diabetes

These soluble fibers also bind with fats in the intestine to reduce the level of cholesterol

Helps overcoming constipation

The fibers in an apple help in pulling water from your colon & aid bater motions in case of constipation.
The fibers work other way round too by absorting water from your stools if you are suffering from diarrhea & thus slowing down your bowels.

Makes you feel full & helps you reduce weight

If you opt for fibrous foods like apples they make more time to digest. Hence they make you feel full a long time.
In your continue craving to snack something reduce. This helps in keeping a check on your weight gain.

It strengthens your immunity

Apple contains phytochemicals such as catechin, phloridzin & chorogenic acid, all of which are strong antioxidants.
In addition, Querction is anti-inflammatory in nature and helps in boosting the immune power to.

Great source of nutrition

Apple are a great source of nutrients like vitamin C, B, complex Vitamins, dietary fibers phytonutrients & minerals such as calcium, potassium and phosphorous. 
These nutrients play a variety of important roles in your body making apple a powerhouse of nutrition.

Can help in preventing or treating anemia

Anemia is characterized by the deficiency of hemoglobin, a molecule found in the red blood cells.

Best benefit of apple

Can help in preventing or treating anemia
Anemia is characterized by the deficiency of hemoglobin, a molecule found in the red blood cells.
By increasing the number of red blood cells in the body, apples not only prevent anemia but also ensure proper oxygenation of essential organ systems.

Make your teeth strong

Eating apples helps in cleaning both teeth and gums. When you bite into an apple, the fiber in it cleanses the teeth.
The antibacterial properties of this fruit keep bacteria and viruses away.

So make you finish that apple on your plate.

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